Il existe des atomes crochus entre le design fiction et la série Black Mirror ! Les deux proposent, à leur manière, de faire un pas de côté et dans le futur proche, pour aller taquiner la zone grise et source de friction entre techno-béatitude et techno-pessimisme.
This event is French speaking only
There is a chemistry between Design Fiction and the Black Mirror series!
Both propose, in their own way, to take a step aside and in the near future, to go and tease the grey zones—source of friction—between techno-beatitude and techno-pessimism. This ambiguous relationship was the starting point of the first Design Fiction Club workshop, last March.
During this session, we will return to the scenarios imagined by the workshop participants who explored the world of the episode “The Entire History of You, season 1 - episode 3”. After a guided tour behind the scenes of the workshop day, three design fictions produced for the occasion will be debated with the public. Each scenario discussed will in enrich, confront or counterbalance the vision of the future proposed in this episode of Black Mirror.
Link to the March workshop:
Participatory debate with the public.
Organisation and mediation of the session: Studio Design Friction
Speaker: Studio Design Friction, accompanied by the participants in the workshop Design Fiction Club #1.