Happy frugality

Conference cycle

Happy frugality

The exploration of multiple forms of happiness through a cycle of lectures and debates.

For philosopher Patrick Viveret, happiness is not a simple stroke of luck or a form of capital to conquer and keep, but rather the art of living "at the right time," a quality of presence and intensity of life. He likes to associate it with the Hispanic and pictorial terms of "jubilación" and "buen vivir," which are used in South America both by the indigenous populations and activists at the World Social Forum in Belem in the Brazilian Amazon, in which the economist with ties to alterglobalism took part.

The happiness that Patrick Viveret will tell us about through a series of lectures is at the heart of transition strategies that seek to free us from excess and social uneasiness by promoting forms of happy frugality. Personal, collective, societal:  happiness has multiple dimensions. That is why he envisioned a series of lectures with several different speakers and will be welcoming Antonella Verdiani, Clair Michalon Fazette Curling, Celina Whitaker and Mathieu Baudin* who, from education to the environment, from art to economics, will look at concrete possibilities for a happier life.

Lecture by Patrick Viveret on the ABS, heard as the relationship to love, happiness, and meaning
Tuesday, December 3rd. In French.

Soon : 

  • Lecture by Antonella Verdiani, PH.D. in Educational Science, on "Learning happiness"
    Thursday, December 12th
  • Lecture by Fazette Bordage, Director of Mains d’oeuvres, Founder of Confort Moderne in Poitiers and of the network TransEuropeHalles on Art, Politics, and Happiness
    Tuesday, January 21rst

To be announced : 

. Lecture by Clair Michalon.

. Conférence de Celina Whitaker, cofondatrice, avec Patrick Viveret, du Collectif Richesses, coprésidente du réseau FAIR (Forum pour d’Autres Indicateurs de Richesse) et membre du Mouvement SOL - Pour une appropriation citoyenne de la monnaie.

. Conférence de Mathieu Baudin, directeur de l’Institut des Futurs souhaitables