Points of view on the Universe

by Estelle Blanquet

Points of view on the Universe
© Manchu

If we traveled as far away possible from Earth, what kind of landscape would our eyes behold?

by E. Blanquet (ESPE Nice, teacher), Points de vue sur l’univers ()

Screenings of films (such as Puissances de 10 (Power of 10) or L’échelle de l’Univers (The Scale of the Universe) by Cary Huang) and readings of excerpts from science fiction novels help us conceive of the distances between Earth and various celestial bodies.

Capitaine futur's university that teaches how to play with science
Family-friendly conferences

It is at the frontiers of science and art that the inventions and creative works of tomorrow are being developed. Always one step ahead even when everything is accelerating, artists, thinkers and researchers are Capitaine futur's fellow travelers in his explorations that combine vibrant sensations and imaginative intelligence.

Capitaine futur is launching his own university to explore knowledge by discovering the world and discussing the future with eight scientists. Researchers and specialists, they will have fun explaining the expansion of the world and the new challenges in representing it, with the help of experiments and demonstrations.