The Happy Show

The Happy Show

La Gaîté lyrique invites you to embark on the exploration of sensorial and intellectual happiness, with Stefan Sagmeister as your guide.

Dance, listen, taste, learn, play to the dynamic rhythm of happiness through an exhibition, 
conferences, workshops,
& sreenings

Is happiness a muscle just like any other? 

Do you have to pedal for it to develop? The Austrian-born New Yorker is a renowned graphic artist, the first pop star of the genre! He is also referred to as an interior designer, typographer, and artist. He is one those people whom a single word, label, or profession is not enough to define. An activist in the cause of graphic design that is rooted in real experiences and emotions, the author of legendary album covers – from the Rolling Stones to Lou Reed via Talking Heads - always transcends the commissioned work he does for clients to infuse subjectivity and humanity into it. His personal obsessions fill his sketchbooks and the endless lists he loves, inspire his research and, for the first time, an exhibition on a theme that is close to his heart: happiness.

Après une tournée nord-américaine, l’exposition « The Happy Show » arrive, au cœur de l’hiver, dans le pays d’Europe qui a régulièrement les plus mauvais indicateurs de bien-être : le nôtre. 

Grand Partenaire                                Ils nous soutiennent

The Happy Show de Stefan Sagmeiser a été organisé par l'Institute of Contemporary Art, Université de Pennsylvanie. La commissaire de l'exposition est Claudia Gould, directrice du Helen Goldsmith Menschel, The Jewish Museum à New York.

L'ICA remercie tout particulièrement The Pew Center for Arts and Heritage, via The Philadelphia Exhibitions Initiativ, ainsi que l'ICA's Leadership Circle, pour leur soutien.

L'ICA remercie également The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, The Dietrich Foundation, Inc. ; The Overseers Board pour l’ICA ; les amis et les membres de l'ICA, l'Université de Pennsylvanie ; ainsi que The Philadelphia Cultural Fund pour son soutien opérationnel.

L'ICA reçoit l'aide du Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, agence d'état fondée par le Commonwealth of Pennsylvania et de l'agence fédérale National Endowment for the Arts. L'ICA remercie enfin The Chodorow Exhibition Initiative Fund pour son soutien à la diffusion de l'exposition.
