A futuristic afternoon focusing on new body trends, with philosophers, sociologists, historians, anthropologists, writers, designers, art critics and artists. In French.
2pm - 6pm / The body and immersive arts
With philosopher Bernard Andrieu and contemporary art specialists Catherine Bouko (Université catholique de Louvain), Ghislaine Chabert (Université de Grenoble et d’Annecy) and Franco Torriani (Turin art critic).
4:30pm - 7pm / The body in 2062
With Bernard Andrieu and body specialists Eugénie Briot (Université de Marne-la-Vallée) Yann Mihn (writer, multimedia artists and director) and Zaven Paré (artist researcher).
Also in the company of members of the Observatoire NIVEA: Gilles Boëtsch, David Le Breton, Georges Vigarello and Nadine Pomarède.