Lucky Dragons

Free-folk digital ceremony

Lucky Dragons
© Cali Thornhill Dewitt

Bongo music

From neo-folk melodies to electro-shock, Lucky Dragons celebrates in a burst of utopian impulses the fusion of hard drives, conducting bodies and micro switches. The electronic music duo invites us to grasp in a single movement the hand of our neighbor and that multicolored strand of algae floating on an ocean of sounds.


Aboard the Capsulo : family concerts, performances and parties to (re)awaken the senses

Spontaneous, universal and mobile, music nowadays is easily accessible data. In the age of this new fluidity, thanks to his adventurous life, Capitaine futur discovers a new world scene before his eyes, made of post-geographical musical trends. A fan of mixing it up and combining all sorts of experiences, he invites these musicians of the everyday to deviate from what they normally do to elaborate special projects designed for children.