
performance by tatouages éphémères


October 25  and December 20

With these tattoo-pirates, Capitaine futur weaves ephemeral, hypersensitive relationships with muted atmospheres. Against a small patch of skin, illustrators use their markers to produce unbridled graphics based on puns and flashy nods to pop culture

More about Skinjackin 

Aboard the Capsulo : family concerts, performances and parties to (re)awaken the senses

Spontaneous, universal and mobile, music nowadays is easily accessible data. In the age of this new fluidity, thanks to his adventurous life, Capitaine futur discovers a new world scene before his eyes, made of post-geographical musical trends. A fan of mixing it up and combining all sorts of experiences, he invites these musicians of the everyday to deviate from what they normally do to elaborate special projects designed for children.